...Thanks so much for bringing such beautiful creation to this world. I have been around lots of environmental activists and earth lovers, but your expression of love is unique - you connect us to our mother in such a gentle, empowering, respectful, direct and ancient way - i felt like I traveled through ancient time and space... with much gratitude." -- N. T., Vancouver, BC
...What I liked the most was the advanced diversity in journeying styles we practiced... It's the best journeying class I have taken ." --Ryan, Vancouver, BC
grounded daydreaming: trance drum journeying...
a one-day workshop - spend the day with weaver...

Grounded Daydreaming: Trance Drum Journeying...
Thursday, April 4, 2019, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Gabriola Island @ the Phoenix Auditorium
- $65 per person
- As part of the Gabriola Isle of the Arts Festival...
- More info here + how to register >>
- Join weaver's email list here >>
- Please pre-register as space is limited - open below...
Come join us for a powerful healing day of diving deep into your soul... to access and embrace your own inner knowing - to let go that which no longer serves you - to choose to clear the way, to who you truly are...
This healing workshop is open to anyone, beginner or seasoned practitioner - all are welcome to attend with an open heart.
Trance Journeying is one of, if not the oldest healing arts known on our dear planet earth...
During our day together, we'll open safe, sacred space and begin to learn and practice how to access our own inner knowing though this ancient practice.
Anyone can learn how to journey - in fact, you do know how... we all journeyed when we were children... Remember when you sat at your desk in school bored, staring out the window? You were naturally journeying and dreaming. Trance journeying is simply 'active day-dreaming' - a way to mindfully shift your consciousness... to access inner guidance of the 'unseen' worlds of guides, power animals, teachers, ancestors and to embrace the true inner essence of who you truly are.
Through the support of the healing sound-wave of the sacred drum and other 'sacred sounds', we will learn how to journey in a safe way within the container of sacred space... First, you will journey to connect + embrace your power animal. Through many other ways to journey, we'll explore getting to know our own inner landscape - so we can stop looking outside of ourselves for other's wisdom... to trust our own intuitive guidance - knowing that all we need to know, is always deep within.
Learn how to journey shamanically and/or deepen your own practice and path.... Come prepared with your questions and yearnings to know more about your own soul with an open heart and also, to have a lot of fun sharing our beautiful journeys... for when you heal, we all heal together as one...
I hope you will join us for a powerful and sacred healing day together... please register below...
Please feel free to share this healing workshop with anyone who may be called...
with much love + light... weaver x (((o)))
Thursday, April 4, 2019, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Gabriola Island @ the Phoenix Auditorium
- $65 per person
- As part of the Gabriola Isle of the Arts Festival...
- More info here + how to register >>
- Join weaver's email list here >>
- Please pre-register as space is limited - open below...
Come join us for a powerful healing day of diving deep into your soul... to access and embrace your own inner knowing - to let go that which no longer serves you - to choose to clear the way, to who you truly are...
This healing workshop is open to anyone, beginner or seasoned practitioner - all are welcome to attend with an open heart.
Trance Journeying is one of, if not the oldest healing arts known on our dear planet earth...
During our day together, we'll open safe, sacred space and begin to learn and practice how to access our own inner knowing though this ancient practice.
Anyone can learn how to journey - in fact, you do know how... we all journeyed when we were children... Remember when you sat at your desk in school bored, staring out the window? You were naturally journeying and dreaming. Trance journeying is simply 'active day-dreaming' - a way to mindfully shift your consciousness... to access inner guidance of the 'unseen' worlds of guides, power animals, teachers, ancestors and to embrace the true inner essence of who you truly are.
Through the support of the healing sound-wave of the sacred drum and other 'sacred sounds', we will learn how to journey in a safe way within the container of sacred space... First, you will journey to connect + embrace your power animal. Through many other ways to journey, we'll explore getting to know our own inner landscape - so we can stop looking outside of ourselves for other's wisdom... to trust our own intuitive guidance - knowing that all we need to know, is always deep within.
Learn how to journey shamanically and/or deepen your own practice and path.... Come prepared with your questions and yearnings to know more about your own soul with an open heart and also, to have a lot of fun sharing our beautiful journeys... for when you heal, we all heal together as one...
I hope you will join us for a powerful and sacred healing day together... please register below...
Please feel free to share this healing workshop with anyone who may be called...
with much love + light... weaver x (((o)))

What to bring to this workshop...
Brightest blessings... weaver x (((o)))
If you would like weaver to bring this workshop to your area - please contact her to discuss min numbers + logistics to make it happen... brightest blessings... weaver x (((o)))
"...This work is transformational on all levels and can be applied to the real world in support of yourself and others. The power of the drum and music is always amazing transportation to other places in our consciousness and provides access. I am excited to pass the word of you around and the power of this work!... MUCH gratitude! Thank you for an amazing weekend!"
"...Thank you weaver for holding this beautiful space
of sacredness for us to access our inner words of wisdom and self-love..."
"...Doing ceremony with weaver, is getting in touch with your self on a deep soul level. She is a gifted healer who sings and drums with an Energy that heals mind body and spirit. Her kind and gentle nature makes it safe for people to heal their past and step into their coming. If you get an opportunity to spend time with weaver , I highly recommend it. "
- your beautiful self.... your journal + a pen...
- we are working on the floor or if you prefer to journey lying down please bring a yoga mat and/or thick blanket to lie on including layered clothing/slippers to keep cozy if you prefer - there are chairs in the space...
- a blindfold or scarf to cover your eyes for journeying/meditation...
- bring your drums and rattles if you have them - we will also 'drum journey' together as well...
- something to share + place to co-create our central altar (take your item home after) I always invite you to bring something meaningful to you that represents you, or your questions/clarity...a stone, crystal, picture, flowers, smudge, candle, mala/jewelry, feather, written intention or something representing a cardinal direction or element, etc... this is optional - i invite us to co-create this energy, our ceremonial time together - also an opportunity to have your item(s) charged during our time...
- a good-sized stone, no bigger than your palm (please no crystals) - and/or bring your mesa, bundle, mala if you carry one...
- bagged lunch - we will break for lunch (1/2 hour) - we welcome you to bring potluck snacks to share with all if you wish... ie: pachamama loves chocolate!... :o)
- your own questions + yearnings to ask your inner self + guidance...
- we wish to offer smudging of cedar, sage and/or palo santo - do let me know if you are sensitive to smoke - there is an alternative...
- we'll begin to open sacred space promptly at 9 am - so please come a bit early to get settled, so we can begin on time as our day together is very full, thank you...
Brightest blessings... weaver x (((o)))
If you would like weaver to bring this workshop to your area - please contact her to discuss min numbers + logistics to make it happen... brightest blessings... weaver x (((o)))
"...This work is transformational on all levels and can be applied to the real world in support of yourself and others. The power of the drum and music is always amazing transportation to other places in our consciousness and provides access. I am excited to pass the word of you around and the power of this work!... MUCH gratitude! Thank you for an amazing weekend!"
"...Thank you weaver for holding this beautiful space
of sacredness for us to access our inner words of wisdom and self-love..."
"...Doing ceremony with weaver, is getting in touch with your self on a deep soul level. She is a gifted healer who sings and drums with an Energy that heals mind body and spirit. Her kind and gentle nature makes it safe for people to heal their past and step into their coming. If you get an opportunity to spend time with weaver , I highly recommend it. "
NOTE: This April 4, 2019 (Thursday) workshop is part of the Gabriola Isle of the Arts Festival...
- More info here + how to register >>
- Online Registration starts Wed, March 13th @12pm - $65 each person...
- More info here + how to register >>
- Online Registration starts Wed, March 13th @12pm - $65 each person...