In memoriam—for those we have lost since the pandemic, especially for dear Seraphina who we lost so tragically last summer…
This piece is from a pressed leaf that i found in our back yard here on Gabriola… It is finished on a 12 x 12 canvas, the background behind the leaf is painted in a glow-in-the-dark pain— to depict, that “our spirit lives on…’ — the outside framing and sides are painted in a metallic gold. Last fall, while we were packing up to move, i gathered some of the leaves out of our yard and put them into a press and didn’t look them until earlier this year. When i was preparing for the ‘Squared show’ that happens here on Gabriola, i pulled out this one leaf, and was astounded as to how exquisite it turned out... wishing i could remember what kind of leaf it originally was, because it had transformed so much. And, so, i have not changed the leaf at all—it is in it’s original state and i was/felt compelled to include it into a piece of art and title it, “requiem—who is remembered lives!’—as we all have experienced so much loss over the last few years. --$222.00 + shipping/handling —please click on below images to view larger… —if you would like to purchase, please contact me to make arrangements
![]() I’ve had another recent memory of my childhood—this time from grade one. In our little two-room school-house i remember that i had to sit in the front room for grade because i was one of the few, if not the only one who wore glasses. It seemed the teachers always made those of use who wore glasses, to sit at the front. This particular day, we all were colouring and Mrs. D., our teacher, was standing at the front of the class reading from a storybook. As she was reading, i was taken by and distracted by my classmate Billy who also colouring (he sat next to me at the front too)… i thought what he was colouring, was beautiful. And, so i simply leaned over to tell him saying something like, “that’s really pretty Billy—i like it’. Right at the moment i had said that… Mrs. D., clouted me right over the head with the hardcover book she was reading from, shouting, “Don’t interrupt me when i’m reading to the class!’ “Ouch—that hurt”, i said to myself… I sometimes wonder if that’s perhaps why i deal with chronic neck + back pain to this day? ![]() I had a memory pop up recently—and that remembering can also be triggered from seeing someone wearing very thick ‘coke bottle’ lensed eye glasses. My recollection is from my early elementary school days, where i was probably in grade 5 or 6… The principal in that school was named Mr. P_____, who was a very tall well-dressed middle-aged white man with dark hair. Mr. P_____ took his job as school principal very seriously. I don’t remember seeing him smile much. His dark-coloured rimmed glasses were definitely a part of who he was. He would often tilt his head back and peer over them, as they often slipped down his nose—probably from the sheer thick-weight of them. During that time—it was probably around 1970 or so…and, the strap (corporal punishment) was still being used in schools until it was banned in about 1973. And, Mr. P_____ seemed to like using the strap as a disciplinary action in our little school. It certainly worked for him. When some poor sod got into trouble and was sent to the principal’s office, fear would reign—as one would often get a strapping as a result. I myself came very close to receiving the strap once—though managed to get out of it, some how, i have no idea how… So, when a student was slated to receive the strap, what Mr. P_____ would do every time, was… He would go to every classroom one by one, open the door (he never knocked), rudely interrupt barging into the room, look over his thick black glasses and state very sternly: “I’m leaving the door open…” We soon learned what that meant… He would then move on to the next room and do the same. When he was done with each room, he would then go back to his office where the student was and, leave his office door open as well. He would then proceed to strap that poor student. The whole school would go into a disturbed hush… Needless to say, we as a student body were absolutely terrified…where we all ‘felt’ that strap together, ‘as one—while we were forced to listen to the cries streaming down the hall from his office. We were always relieved and breathed a big collective breath when it was finally over with. Until, the next time. |
i wish to acknowledge with gratitude that i live, work + play on the traditional and unceded territory of the Snuneymuxw First Nation...
my blog writings...i'm a creative soul choosing to walk softly on our blessed earth mother's back... more here... Click image above to go to Amazon >>
![]() Spirit Art Frame Drum Available by weaver…
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August 2023
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