I recently birthed a womyn’s red frame drum for a local curated art show that happened through our local Arts Council and it took me a month to complete—over a full month’s moon phase… and completed it on International Women’s Day, March 8th, 2023. My Art Drum piece was part of a group curated art show and community discussions held here on Gabriola, through the Triumph program, Covid Vs Climate Change which ran the weekend of March 17-19, 2023. —> more to come, below is a short slideshow of some of my process and my artist statement below that… i am working on a video that will show the birthing process. If you are called to hold + caretake this drum, please don’t hesitate to contact me. The Voice of Our Mother Earth mixed media; wood, rawhide, leather, plant dye/acrylics/gold leaf size: 16-inch diameter x 2.75-inches high my artist statement…![]() I came into this world drumming and have been birthing drums for the last 30 years since I was apprenticed by my teacher. How I approach my drum making art is through intuitive inquiry and contemplation. I allow the elements of wood and skin to inform me of what wants to come through as art. There is much spirit within the wood and skin; everything holds meaning for me and a big part of my spiritual practice. The drum is universal and considered sacred in many cultures dating back to the neolithic age and beyond. The drum represents the ‘voice of our Mother earth’ and She is the earth. When I considered responding to this call, my first thought was; ‘We as a mass consciousness have truly lost our right relationship to our earth Mother. For We are the earth and We are sick and broken—hence why we are now dealing with climate change and COVID, etc. After a number of sleepless nights and insight received, I realized that our Mother earth wanted to be a part of this show, that She wanted ‘Her voice’ in the room. My process: I always paint something red in the inner hoop of the drum to honour the animal that gave its life to become a drum—also an honouring of the ‘blood of the Mother’, and a re-birthing to become a drum as wood + skin are in essence, living, breathing beings. Also, in the inner hoop are over 350 burned-in prayers. The ‘bones’ of the drum: Local yellow cedar is sacred to these lands: it offers protection, cleansing and is known as the ‘world tree’. The ‘voice’ of the drum: Goat spirit holds the energy of strength, trust and standing one’s ground for Mother earth. I have dyed the goat skin in natural plant dyes and the gold leaf dot/poppy flower placed on the drum’s center represents ‘the compacted energy of the universe before the first sound’… or, the ‘point from which creation begins.’ It also represents renewal and remembrance and honours the Slavic half of my ancestry. There is also a ‘wound’ that has showed up on Her face, within the hide. The colour red is significant in ancient womyn’s frame drums which were often painted a red ochre representing the earth Mother, women’s blood mysteries, fertility and birth. This drum is played with the hands/fingers and one’s voice. I invite you to engage/play/sing with this drum and sound our Mother’s voice. What does She have to say? It is my hope that my drum birthing art helps us to reconnect to our earth Mother, to once again, hear Her sacred voice, as we once did. She is indeed our Source, not a resource, for we wouldn’t be here without Her! I wish to thank all those within the beautiful community in which we live… who helped to bring this dear drum into being… Joanie Wright, my life-long partner for her loving support + beautiful hands, Jan Pullinger, Louse Rebelle, Heather Menzies, Joke Mensink, Anita Jackel, Allannah Dow and Carol Ferguson and GAHC crew for saying yes — i couldn’t have done it without you!
![]() The other day i attended a poetry workshop during our annual ‘isle of the arts festival’… i was glad i went as i learned some new ways with writing poetry… and i really enjoyed the day… At one point the instructor asked us to write a poem about an object… So, i chose to write about my glasses. And, as i was writing, the process seemed to take me into a deep journey—suddenly remembering John Denver—who had been a big influence in my life growing up and continues to be… He was a huge mentor for me in many ways… as i really connected to his sensitivity—his love of life and that really moved me… what he wrote about + shared with the world… those ‘things’ that mattered most in life, family, friendship + all things sacred including our environment—our mother earth… in another way, he taught me to sing—helping me find my true ‘voice’… I did get to see him perform live a couple of times and i always wanted to meet him—to have the chance to just thank him… I know we were all shocked the day he died… i guess i made the assumption that he’d live to be an old man… He was only 53 when he perished—one very sad day for many of us… As i continued to write, i also remembered a video i once saw… it was a tribute to him after his death… (i’m still attempting to find this video to post here)… It was a very poignant sharing of a few select ‘known’ musicians opening the case to Denver’s vintage round granny glasses, that he was so known for… While viewing this video i remembered being very moved and so touched—as i was being witness to a very sacred moment… wow, i wondered what it would be like to do just that—open that case + hold his glasses… While writing my poem about my own glasses i was quite surprised…as to how this simple exercise moved me so quickly to another place… a place of honouring an amazing man who held such a huge impact in my own life… so, here’s my poem—as it is, at the moment, in its draft form… nosedive my glasses round and purple considerable uncomfortable not scratched quite yet teeth marks cut into one right temple arm helps keep my hands free… in abruptness of a recent power outage they slipped off the top of my head when we fumbled in the dark making tea on a propane burner cracked when they hit the frigid concrete floor i guess they’re not new anymore… recalling that day shocked when i learned you died tragically over Monterery Bay you were off to visit your daughter when you fell right out of the sky decapitated mother ocean swallowed you they only knew it was you when Annie identified your two missing toes from your right found leg far out. … © 2022 all rights reserved… carol weaver x (((💜))) —rest in peace dear sir, born December 31, 1943—died October 12, 1997… —thank you dear John, for everything! (33/6)… —and, when or if i find that beautiful video, i’ll post here… in the meantime, here’s another, below… xxx ![]() This one day was an interesting one, as i found many emotions popping up—out of nowhere. I just wanted to scream…scream out loud what was pent up inside me since this pandemic arrived. I’ve also not wanted to do a dang thing—what is that? Not usually me… as I simply want to just lie around like a lethargic stretched-out cat. I chose to get outside and go for a much-needed walk, to clear my head. Down to our local beach I went, to chill out and ask Spirit for some help. I asked for a sign of some sort, as i was feeling pretty disconnected…discombobulated. There’s definitely an ‘uncertainty’ that this covid-time has brought. I have found the ‘not knowing’ of many, many things rattles one’s being-ness. I’ve lost a lot of work during this covid time—gone. All of it… So, off I went and made my way down to the beach. I sat on the warm sandstone in quiet for a bit and then was prompted to walk out to the water’s edge. I really appreciated the fresh winds, smells of the beach, and the tide being way out. I could even hear sky drummers (thunder) playing off in the distance. Opening my arms, I let salted winds blow through me, dropping a heaviness I seemed to have been holding. As i walked back from the water’s edge, to my left, a blue heron fell out of the sky, gently gliding down onto the beach, not 15 feet from me. Oh, sooo beautiful. I was frozen in awe while the heron fished in a little tide pool, calmly sauntering its way to the ocean’s edge. I offered gratitude for the beautiful gift of heron—so close. All of a sudden, breaking my relation, my moment with the heron, I could hear off in the distance someone yelling loudly. When I turned around, I saw a man standing and holding onto his bicycle, yelling something incessantly and at the top of his lungs. There was no one on the beach except me and the heron. It was hard to decipher what he was shouting through the sounds of the beach, the wind and the waves. The heron and I just stood there. I could hear that he wanted me to back away from the heron! I wondered what his problem was. My first reaction was to yell right back at him, to express assault in return. I felt upset about this verbal attack—it rudely violated my sacred moment. Nonetheless, I chose to ignore him by simply turning around. The heron seemed unaware of what was happening—as it continued to leisurely saunter, hunting for a next morsel. Connecting back with the heron, I returned to my feeling of being lifted by this beautiful stately bird. Of being so close to this being who didn’t seem bothered whatsoever. I turned back to see if the upset man was still on the road; he was now gone. “What was that all about?” I asked myself… I guess someone just had to vent. Turning to make my way back, picking up a few shells here and there along the way, I walked up the beach and onto the road, I made my way back home. A dear friend driving by pulled over to say hello. We shared mutual challenges and grief—having aging parents in locked-down care homes and hospitals and how hard it felt, being so far away from them. Knowing that this crazy pandemic isn’t ending anytime soon, I wondered if I’ll ever get to see my mother (93) again, as she was in hospital on the mainland, having fallen and breaking her hip. My dad (94) was in dementia care in White Rock. While we chatted, my eye caught five or six ravens shouting vociferously as they played in the wind together, high above the towering firs. My friend and I shared much needed tears, gave each other a big, distant hug and each headed back to our homes—I on foot and she in her car. It felt good to connect with another dear human again. Turning the corner to my road, I spotted a flicker woodpecker (the drummer) who cried out in the woods beside me. I smiled, thanking my dear ally for the percussive hello. As I walked towards our lane, in a neighbour’s yard, a beautiful young doe poked her head up out of the long grass. We both said hi through our eyes, then she slowly followed me down the gravel road—and my heart was smiling. I sure did receive a message—gifts of deep connection of the heart, the pulsing of our blessed earth Mother... shapeshifting magic within the void of sweet Spirit...self-reliance, and wisdom evolving to a higher place of consciousness and choice—in the present moment. I am very blessed to be here now, in this sacred, green place... Thank you sweet Mother, great goddess, Gaia. Thank you for holding my back... I bow in deep reverence… Thank you… I trust. much love, weaver x (((💜))) photos by carol weaver © copyright 2020
"Mother, Bear... invites me... into her darkly cave... where silence surrounds... the answers She gave..." ![]()
is a word you may hear me utter. Usually when i can't explain something or, i've experienced or felt something profound through Spirit. Recently i had a re-visit from Mother Bear... a Spirit Bear. It seems my life's journey holds quite a magical bent. And, often feel like i don't know what i'm doing half the time—oh, i know that's a self-judgement, though i do "keep on keeping on"... staying on my path as best i can and, when i allow ‘magical stuff' can happen and will show up—usually when i least expect it. Recently, i was chatting with a dear friend about my creative process and, how my own intuitional knowing doesn't always inform at the time i would prefer it. Though, i’ve come to learn that my inner knowing + creative sourcing will often kick in much later, sometimes days or weeks later or, my knowing informs in a whole other route than expected. I would never claim i'm psychic though, (far from it!). Though, i know i'm definitely spirit-guided, and intuitive, with much gratitude. I am so blessed with a heck of a lot of unseen help from the Spirit realm. I’m one lucky bum. "living breathing light push kawsay holographic i know i'm out there" —Haiku by weaver I adore the word, "kawsay" (pronounced cow-sigh), which comes from the beautiful Quechua Indigenous language meaning, "living breathing energy... life force, energy that animates the universe: it comes from the collective, from genetics and from spiritual energy... life, everything is energy; of the major organizing principles... energy that permeates all of Creation on various vibrational levels..." One potent teaching i received during my years of advanced earth-based training was to practice "pushing the kawsay". This term also brings to mind the Scots Gaelic poetic phrase, "Òran Mór" which means, the 'Great Song' of the Universe... where, everything holds a song... it's own frequency and vibration. Everything in the universe is singing, even rocks, trees—everything! It’s interesting to note that sound-healer/musician Kailash Kokopelli believes that all dis-ease and unbalance in the body is ‘out of tune’ where, certain sounds and frequencies, through music/sound can help re-tune the body. He shares the example; the dis-ease of cancer holds a certain resonance (or song) and if the sound-healer can match that same resonance/song though sound, the cancer or dis-ease can be eradicated… combusted. Back in high school, I was known to visit the Principal's office way too often. An art teacher i had, eventually realized that it was best to remove me completely from her classroom, in order for me to be able to connect with 'my muse' and get some actual work done—as i tended to be over-disruptive during class. Mrs. Plummer would assign an art project where everyone would begin creating except me. I'd just sit there, staring about, not knowing what to do for the most of the class, goofing off. It was like, i had to kick the assignment 'out there' to the art-goddess or whatever, and patiently wait for 'it', whatever 'it' was, to return back to me when 'it' was ready. I couldn't force it—believe me, i had tried. Often, Mrs. Plummer, frustrated with me, would set me up in an empty classroom, all alone with art materials and sure enough, i'd eventually create—the 'muse' would finally fall out of me and i create stuff i never even knew i could create = Was that me that did that? I know now that i was perhaps, "pushing the kawsay". I also learned that i needed quiet reflective time first, in order to connect with my own inner muse. We're presently in the cycle of Lughnasadh or Lúnasa from the Celtic realm of Scotland + Ireland... also known as Lammas in England and other parts of Europe. A seasonal one-of-four annual fire festivals, marking the time of harvest before the Celtic New Year of Samhain arrives at the end of October. On the wheel of life, we're also in the direction of the West, the time of the 'falling leaves' who teach us how to simply 'let go' with ease and grace. A dear friend recently shared with me that the leaves have "worked for and created much...they give to protect Mother Earth—there is much to learn here..." Lughnasadh marks the beginning cycle of the noticeable descent of the Sun into the darkness of winter. From the connection between the Earth (female principle) and the Sun (male principle), the union of the Sky Father (Sun God) with the Earth Mother we celebrated at Bealtaine, emerge the fruits of the first harvest of the year. Lughnasadh is a time of joy and celebration about the first fruits. It is also a time of tension, because the dark days of winter are coming nearer, and most of the harvest has not been brought in and stored away quite yet. So, during this turning of the wheel is also a place of 'going within' and introspection as we move more and more, spiralling into that cave of darkness, as our dear earth Mother slowly goes to sleep, to deeply rest and regenerate during the cycle of Samhain/winter. ![]() Three and a half years ago, before we moved to Gabriola, i had a very strong, visceral dream about a huge mother bear that 'sniffed me out'. I wrote about this powerful dream on my blog back in 2016 >> I know that this dream marked a shift for my partner and i, in finding a new home, where, now we live on beautiful Gabriola Island, a 20-minute ferry ride from Nanaimo, BC. We never dreamed of living here before that dream. Interesting... Living here has been nothing short of magical where, every day we both continue to pinch ourselves... so deeply aware of the amazing blessings we continue to receive—with many new close friends, a nurturing supportive community and holy wow, a stunning beautiful sacred land to live upon the ancient sacred unceded territory of the Snuneymuxw people of the Coast Salish. ![]() This past week, i was called (more than once), to go back to a special place, a good walk from our home, to visit a very large stone-being i had unexpectedly met on one of my walks, a couple of years ago. I seem to connect with big stone beings, as they often like to reveal their faces to me—why, i do not know? I’m grateful the the gift. I recall being guided off the main road to a trail i wasn't aware of. There, was a sign that read, "public access". So, cautiously, i climbed down the steep, rocky-rooted trail that led me to a high cliff above the ocean. What a beautiful place i had stumbled on and what was cool was, i was all by myself and it just felt good! I hold a fond memory of sitting in reverent silence for a long time on that sun-warmed boulder. It was like i was being supported in some way. I was moved to explore, hiked around, up and down the dry, wild terrain. The place felt particularly special...inviting—covered in crunchy long grasses, stones, fallen branches, lichen, old gnarly arbutus, garry oak, maples, towering rock walls and honkin' huge boulders. I was drawn to head over to one very grand stone, right at the edge of the cliff. I asked permission to come close and was invited to connect with this immense being. I sat in still-reflection as i gratefully leaned my stiff back into the side of this grand warming rock that was probably 30-40 feet long and say,15 or more feet tall at her high point—one huge presence! I made an offering of thanks for the blessed gift of just 'being' with this beautiful space of inquiry, adoring the feeling of being deeply backed (no pun intended). I also sensed healing vibrations filling my body and weary soul. I had such a wonder-full time with myself that afternoon, appreciating what was around me, which filled me with much rested thankfulness of being guided there. Heading back up the rough trail to go home, i was nudged to turn around and look down where i had been. Oh my, i was blown away by what my eyes saw. I had been communing and connecting with one very large stone, shaped like a bear! There she was, in all her majesty, revealing herself from profile perspective. Such a megalith and oh, that shining face! From every ounce of my being, perceiving that this was one big spirit, a bear. I stood there for a long time, within utter awe. I couldn't take my eyes off this being—as my heart safely opened. I was drawn to take a photograph of her because she was so stunningly beautiful, especially the way the warm sun lit up her sleek kind face. I'm grateful i still keep that photo of her. Interestingly, the spirit of Bear sits in the West on the Great Song-Wheel of Life. Bear represents introspection, reflection, slowing down, rest, respite, death and rebirth and another aspect of the Goddess. Bear can also show us how to go within during the falling leaves-time, to enter her embracing dark cave, to hibernate, heal + regenerate. Bear can also represent primal power, sovereignty and right-brain intuition coupled with instinct. She also connects us to the beauty of art, re-bonding us with the very deepest of our ancestral roots within the belly of the Mother. She helps us to be in touch with the Primal Mother—the She-Bear Goddess Artio who will defend you fiercely from all uncertainty. Ancestral roots?... mother? interesting... The cave of Mother Bear is where She seeks answers while hibernating and dreaming. She then lazily awakens in the Spring, just like all the colours that emerge, awakening the power of the unconscious. Mother Bear asks us to walk the path of inward silence of the West, to calm our inner chit-chat, the place of rites of passage... a path to the dreamtime... a place to dream our lives into being... along side with our dear Mother's own dreaming. One of my favourite poems by Mary Oliver is titled, Spring… Somewhere a black bear has just risen from sleep and is staring down the mountain. All night in the brisk and shallow restlessness of early spring I think of her, her four black fists flicking the gravel, her tongue like a red fire touching the grass, the cold water. There is only one question: how to love this world. I think of her rising like a black and leafy ledge to sharpen her claws against the silence of the trees. Whatever else my life is with its poems and its music and its glass cities, it is also this dazzling darkness coming down the mountain, breathing and tasting; all day I think of her-- her white teeth, her wordlessness, her perfect love. —Mary Oliver ![]()
This last week out walking, with full intention of honouring a strong pull to go back to visit the bear rock once again. Somehow i knew i needed to go though, wasn't really sure why.
Though following my hunch, off i went. However, upon arriving at the spot i remembered where the trail down to the cliff was, i noticed that there were a number new "private property" signs up to the right of the "public access" sign entrance. I carefully made my way down the rocky dry uneven trail. I inched sideways further, where i saw there was also, a chain-link fence up, blocking the whole way to get down to where i knew bear rock was at the cliff's edge. I was royally annoyed. Why was this barrier keeping me from visiting Mother Bear? I was sure i needed to be here in some way. Though i wondered, perhaps not. What happened to the 'public access' that's no longer public? What? Whoever had bought the adjacent property next to the 'public access' marker had completely blocked any entry down to cliff's edge anymore. How dare they? Yearning for another way, i was determined to get to Her and know why i was being so called. I made my way down along the stupid fence and, off to the left, discovered a steep climb towards the lower cliff though, noticed there was yet, another 'no trespassing' sign at the bottom. Stink. “I'm really not going to get there, am i?” i thought to myself—not legally anyways. I began to make my way down though, soon was told intuitively ‘to stop'. I clamoured back up the steep trail landing at the top on my butt, irked… frustrated. I kept asking myself, "Why was this being so difficult?" Had i not been respectful with the Spirits? Do i need to ask permission? I hadn’t asked permission. I humbly asked for consent with an old tree that was reaching itself out, horizontal to the sun, over the Salish Sea. I pulled a small stone out of my pocket, mindfully blew some prayer though, tucking as an offering within a nook of the bark, then sat down in deflated silence. I asked and, asked again. Eager for some kind of reply, i heard a raven vocal-ing high above, as shared-air swished through wings, raven passed over, dropping onto a branch, see-sawing. I sensed being checked out. I asked again… sensing a stirring of words from my open heart… "Dear one, you can connect with me from here, now… from anywhere, you know..." the voice whispered. I smiled, "Of course, i know that." The inner voice again breathed... "Go to Drumbeg..." ![]() Go to Drumbeg?... what? That didn’t make any sense! Drumbeg Park is at the other end of the island. I didn't trust that last message—what i thought i had heard. I chose to sit a bit longer with the tree, feeling kind of bothered and disappointed though, enjoyed the birds flying about, the swirling water and such. As i mentioned, i usually don't get messages like other perceptive folk seem to, so easily. I'm often intrigued + impressed by their adeptness of their gift or i wonder, perhaps good guessers. If i'm lucky, and listening, a teaching or message can often come much later, usually in an unexpected or ‘round about way. I’ve come to accept that this is how i access from inquiry, a gift. Discouraged, i stood up to leave, thinking i should just go home and, just get some work done. I had a deer hide soaking in a bin that needed attending to—birth a drum. Making my way up the same route i had come down, got in the car and intended to drive home. When i got close to being back, something tugged, and i said to myself, “Ah, forget work,” and kept going, down the road towards Drumbeg. “Why not? It's a beautiful sunny day…I can work later…i should treasure these last warm days of summer.”
"I didn't hold you when you were born... ‘cause I knew you were going to be adopted so soon... I didn't name you either... Couldn't do it—it was just too hard..." —Marlene, my birth mother... ![]()
I love the stunning drive to Drumbeg Park. I prefer to take South Road that’s more scenic, by the ocean, while winding through sights of trees—i never tire of it.
Roughly fifteen minutes later, i arrived at the other end of the park. With wooden flute in hand, i made my way down a steep + short narrow path carefully navigating over a number of large washed up, bleached white logs, entering the beach. Surveying my space, i noticed some tourists off to my left, So, gazing to my far right, i was surprised and thrilled to see there was a massive rock wall that i hadn't noticed there before. I wanted to check it out…and, as i got closer, i noticed another intriguing large boulder rock that nudged my eye. One that had been eroded from the inside out over time by the sea and frost. We have many large sandstone and rock like this all over the island—many of which you can crawl or sit within. One of our island's most famous, is the Malaspina Galleries at the north end of the island off Taylor Bay Road. I love drumming in there in the quiet season when the tourists have left. ![]() I carefully edged my way around this huge rock and noticed from it's back, it held quite an interesting, almost Mayan-like profile of a face. I offered a courteous ‘hello’. I continued on towards the stone wall and explored jumping rock to rock along the face, curious with the eroded niches carved along the stone face. I got as far to where the tide was coming in, then turned, inching my way back towards that big rock. I walked completely around the stone-being, sensing…curious…attentive… felt invited to climb up inside the cave-like opening, which looked a little bit like the shape of a heart. Tucking my flute into a back pocket, it took me a bit to get myself scaled up high and into the opening. Grabbing whatever edges i could, i managed to pull my weight up and inside and sat down on the rough sandy floor. This stone was so much bigger in size and energy than i thought—and i could feel a shift once inside. All around me were holes eroded right though the wall of the rock that i could see through. There was what seemed to be some red ochre on one part of the wall. I got myself settled in the roomy cocoon space and pulled out my flute. I attempted to blow for a bit enjoyed the cool acoustics within. I soon put my flute down and chose to sit in silence. Perhaps i may receive a message in this old ancient stone? And, if not, well, we’ll see. ![]() As i sat, at first, with eyes closed, i could hear ocean waves rhythmically rolling over pebbles on the beach, and not far away, the rush of a strong rip tide. I took a couple deep long breaths. I liked being there. Looking out, very near, was a towering old cedar, dancing in the light winds. Overhead, a stellar's jay flew in and out it's branches chattering noisily, plus, there were wispy angel clouds sailing by in that afternoon azure sky. I sat for about 40-minutes or so enjoying the smells and the sounds, shot some silent video of the view out, blew more flute and to no avail, got no sense of any message or 'hit', other than knowing the joy of just being, there. I asked the wind… the trees… the sky… stone… do i have to know? I savoured being inside this old rock formed of petrified sand. I felt held by something—maybe hugged? There was something soothing and embracing about being within. Though, i couldn't seem to settle myself—something also, felt quite foreign. Realizing that good ol' time was going by, i gingerly climbed back out, down onto the rocks onto the beach. I then headed back to the car after scanning the beach for washed up treasures like, interesting small branches of driftwood, shells and such, then drove home. I still felt somewhat miffed that i didn't get to see and be with the big Mother Bear Rock back off Canso Road earlier, though did enjoy my time at Drumbeg and i wasn't sure why Mother Bear or whatever had asked me to go there? Most likely, wondered that perhaps, i needed to let the latter piece go. Perhaps. ![]()
The next day, upon waking, i suddenly realized that i had been with Mother Bear spirit, at Drumbeg all along. I had been sharing my lovely afternoon with my partner there when, it hit me like a ton of bricks. That the big ol' rock i had climbed into and sat within in so long—i had been held in the arms of Mother Bear!
Mother Bear had held me... ...and, i wept... Later, two old memories surfaced out of nowhere. I recalled two times quite young, incidents where i had been 'held' against my will. Interesting… When i was about 3 or 4. My mom had attempted to force feed me a boiled egg. I didn't want to eat that damn egg ‘cause i couldn’t stand the smell of it. Though she really wanted me to eat that egg, and, wouldn't let me go until i did. I fought and fought, trying to get away, though she held firm. I felt suffocated. I screamed and yelled as she pushed and shoved that egg into my tight-lipped mouth. Crumbled egg was everywhere. She eventually gave up. I still dislike eggs to this day—not my favourite food. Though, i do know now that she was only desperately trying to get me to eat something of value. Apparently, i was quite the picky eater as a kid. I found foods to be either visually gross and/or weird-stinky like pizza or weiners. Campbell’s chicken noodle soup was definitely my ‘go-to’ back then. The second remembrance was when i was little older, though still very young, at about aged 5/6, maybe 7. One afternoon at home my dad’s accountant/friend for the Farm business over for his annual visit. He had come to bring my dad's completed income tax back for its final sign-off. Then, they would sit down in the living room for a dram of whiskey—it was their ritual. I don't recall where my mother or sister was at the time though i was hanging around, curious, like a kid would be. At one point, the man scooped me up, plunking me on his knee. I told him that i didn't want to sit on his knee though, ignoring me, laughing, began to bounce me up and down. I didn’t like being bounced up and down. I stated to him again that i wanted to get down because i had to go to the bathroom. Both my dad and he seemed to find this scene very humorous. Me? Embarrassed + trapped. With drink clinking in one hand and his other arm, clutching me tight against his chest, continuing to bounce me up and down. Up and down, up and down. Helpless, i began to cry, feeling suffocated and helpless, pleading with him to let me down as i really had to go to the bathroom badly… up and down, up and down… and, then… It happened. I peed all over his lap. Laughing though shocked, he released me to the floor and i ran away feeling so shamed and confused. I don't even remember what happened after that—though i also wondered where my mother was during the whole affair? I often ponder why my dad even allowed his friend to go on as long as he did. Why didn't he look out for me and stop him? Many thoughts have come. Interesting… Being held against my will... not feeling safe while being 'held'... + i had never been held by my birth mother... and, where was my mother? all very interesting. Though, Mother Bear Rock, an old, cold, stone, boulder 'held me' within Her warming safe embrace, and, thinking back to my beautifully guided afternoon, i had felt very safe. Safely held within the Mother. My blessed earth Mother. Thank you Mother Bear, Artio, i thank you... i know you continue to hold me + for always. I hold much gratitude for your gentle teaching. I am within great joy that i can visit with Her anytime, from anywhere... especially during this time of falling leaves, Lughnasadh. and, perhaps she'll have a message for me, most likely, later... brightest, weaver x (((?))) “something like a hug i don’t know, far from such space was never ever.” —Haiku by weaver … may i continue to learn… text/images by carol weaver, copyright by weaver © 2019
Mother Bear stone rock photos by weaver + jp wright © copyright 2017/2019...
a new drum journey with mother bear rock...
Added March 22, 2020...
It was She who called me to come back to drum within Her… x (((o))) come be held... come journey… ![]() Happy Bealtaine everyone! On this day of Bealtaine eve... i've had much to ponder and give big thanks for... tho first, i wish to bid farewell to this past cycle of Imbolc... at the back door of our home... Farewell to the Season of Imbolc... Go with thanks and go with blessing... Season of integrity... Souls with truth are deeply freighted Hearts are keen with innocence... In the cold and darkness traveling... You have come to brightest Spring. Infant, who has grown to childhood... Midwife, wise with mothering... Touch the hidden beauty in us... Help us soar on Summer's wing! --Caitlin Matthews ![]() It's been quite the last few months during Imbolc... lots happening... of amazing alignment + synchronicity all over the place... with much presence of sweet spirit... My dear friend Allannah and i offered two Spring concerts together - one during the day of Imbolc and later at Spring Equinox... we were blessed with both shows full with beautiful souls sharing much love + beautiful spirit with our sacred music and song... I sooo love it when a full room of like-minds sing together with such warm heart... At the Netloft at Imbolc, during our last song, a whole flock of white gulls that were floating on the bay behind us, took flight and flew in circles 'as one' to the pulse of our music... where, they softly landed together ending our song - wow, what a blessing! ![]() Last month, i also found myself totally unexpectedly finding myself in Vernon (of all places!) in sacred circle with the wonderful Irish Seabhean, wise-woman Amantha Murphy who came all the way from Ireland to offer her work there... Talk about divine timing! Who would have thought?... How all that came into being was frankly, one magical alignment and i know now, was meant to be, that's for sure... For the past year or more, i'll admit, i've been in a place of much uncertainty and feeling lost in some respects... I'm not sure those are the exact words to describe... tho, i've also been yearning + calling for clarity and perhaps a new guidance to work with... and... Holy wow... i'm once again astounded as to how spirit aligns so powerfully when one simply asks... and it's up to me to get out of the frickin' way to allow whatever is meant to be... when it's meant to be... I feel i've come to a place in my life where, i allow myself to simply be and trust as best i can... to cease focusing on the what 'isn't'. I have to say it's a heck of a lot more fun to intend along with the blessings + gifts that continue to come my way and holy wow yet again...... + i really know nothing anymore! During the weekend intensive sitting in sacred circle with 23 amazing women with Amantha lovingly guiding... i experienced deep healing... yet again, another layer of the onion of my life was profoundly peeled off - i was roto-rooted to say the least!... i felt such love + support from my beautiful sisters as they held space deeply for me... we all did for one another throughout the gathering... it was a potent weekend of learning... coming full circle to my beginning Celtic training (over 30 years ago) and my own ancestral roots... including, retrieving a rogue chunk of my soul... a whole new trust with myself + others... that it is even possible to trust + love again... to love myself and my life... to let go another shady layer of the old ways that no longer serve - to re-member that a lot of that old stuff wasn't even mine in the first pace... i hold much gratitude to spirit... to my dear beloved partner - my anam cara, my wonderful friends i hold dear, to my dear sisters near + afar + to dear Amantha for holding such loving sacred space... to our blessed earth mother goddess Gaia for all gifts received.... to all that dark heaviness i have let go i know has been lovingly composted by Her... having been transformed to light!... This afternoon on the eve of Bealtaine... my sweetie and i decided to go out for a walk in the beautiful day of today and just 'be' at our local beach... we sat for a long while with the old stone, breathed deeply in the Salish Sea's refreshing + healing breezes under the crystal dome of the great big blue amazing sky... We felt good! All is well... ![]() So, i am very excited to be celebrating Bealtaine tomorrow morning... to offer fresh flowers on my front doorstep... to wash my face with the new morning's dew... to welcome a new beginning cycle of protective fire of my passion... to embrace + honour the light of who i truly am... with brightest blessings of much light - thank you! Happy Bealtaine to all... with much love... blessed be! weaver x (((o))) below... today, we spent some time just being... with our mother, old stone, the salish sea + great big blue sky...Threshold Invocation for the Festival of Bealtaine...
(to be said at the front door on the eve of Bealtaine, April 30th) Maiden of Flowers, open the door... Smith of souls, come you in... Let there be welcome to the growing strength... Let there be welcome to the Summer of the Year. In bud and blossom you are traveling... In fruit and fragrance you will arrive. May the blessed time of Bealtaine Inflame the soul of all beings... Bringing energy and effort to conflagration. From the depths to the heights... In the core of every soul! --Caitlin Matthews ![]() I'm thrilled and excited, along with my wonderful friend, Allannah... we both welcome you to... Come join us to celebrate the light of who we truly are through sacred sound, music and song for a... Summer Solstice Journey of Light Ceremony Soundscape with... Allannah Dow, cello + voice and, carol weaver, drums, strings + voice Tuesday evening, June 20, 2017 at the Gabriola Theatre Centre 1475 Peterson Road, Gabriola Island, BC Tickets $20-$30 sliding scale and available to reserve at North Road Sports, 510 North Road, Gabriola, BC The show starts at 7:30 pm - doors open at 7pm... There will be some tickets available at the door - please reserve/purchase at North Road Sports... summer solstice gabriola island, nanaimo, bc summer solstice ceremony of music + sound...
![]() Sometimes there are no words......... Sometimes there are only moments of sweet beauty......... The other day, I was standing outside my studio, busy sanding a couple of wooden handles for some rattles i was making... I prefer to do that work outside to keep the dust down inside the studio... It's also nice to be out in the fresh air - take in what's around me in our big side-yard, up in the sky and the trees... listening to bird-song, (whom i'm still getting to know since moving here a year ago)... Including getting off my butt for a bit too... as i sit waaay too much! Someone told me the other day, that sitting for too long has become the 'new smoking' = yikes...... Most mornings, of late, we've had a lone, wild turkey (earth eagle) hanging out in our yard, gobbling away for no apparent reason, it seems - for, who knows what... though, i wonder if perhaps, he's attempting to call his buddies up the hill to join him... he's not been very successful... ![]() I was quite focused on my sanding for a good 10 minutes or so when, i suddenly felt a presence... that i wasn't alone....... I looked up from my work and, there she was... holy wow!... a beautiful, deer doe, just inches away, standing there, quietly looking at me... At first i was a bit startled as i wondered how long she had been there, looking at me... perhaps, patiently waiting for me to notice her.... I softly said hello to this dear soul as my heart lit up.... She didn't move... her amazing big beautiful eyes drew me right into her sweet be-ingness... tears were streaming down my cheeks as our hearts locked on as one.... We spent quite some time gazing into each other's heart-soul.... I knew i was receiving a huge gift.... it was such a sacred moment.... When our heart-gaze released some...... we continued to connect with each other so close...... we chatted heart to heart for a while longer... i was moved to ask her permission if i could photograph her - of which she allowed.... she still didn't move.... Not long after, the turkey, who was still in the yard, unexpectedly let out a gobble... the turkey didn't phase her though.... she simply dropped her gaze from me and began to slowly saunter away... turning back once or twice - offering a couple more moments to connect........ I was so very moved by this deep moment of beauty we had shared... she offered me to really 'feel' such a gift of the heart i haver never quite felt before... i continue to feel very moved by the whole experience... One of the many gifts she gave me in that moment was...... that i know i am never, ever alone......... something was healed within me and my dear heart... There are really no words to describe this, our beaty-moment together............... She has since returned to our yard many times... as she is pregnant and about to give birth.... We have seen her lying on the moss down in the yard at dusk and will walk through to say hello.... I am so honoured with much appreciation, to have met my new, sweet friend of the heart... I can't wait to see her with her new babes come through the yard.... with brightest blessings... weaver x (((o))) Above, a bit of video i happened to capture when she began to walk back into the yard, after our time together... below a couple more glimpses of our moment together... x (((o))) photos + vid by weaver x (((o)))
during this passing time within... i invite us to journey to those sacred cedars who are dying...9/4/2016 ![]() "This stone i place here to mark this Singing Moon-Time of Abundance + Passing Within with the Wisdom of Grandmother Wolf... May her sacred teachings help me to become more deeply human..." It's been an interesting time here on Gabriola these last few days as the month of September rolled in... The crisp scents of Fall are definitely in the air as we move into this next cycle around the wheel... reminding us to think about getting prepared for the coming winter... The Farmer's Almanac is predicting a cold one this year... One task we managed so far is, to get a couple of cords of wood delivered, stacked and ready - quite the job to say the least... an opportunity to use those muscles i haven't used in quite some time = holy whoa! I give many thanks to those Standing Ones, those trees who gave their lives so our home can be warm this coming winter... This last week showed me some teaching about letting go - when you least expect it... especially with what i had planned for this recent past New Moon... i had journeying circles planned both for September 1st here on Gabriola and another for Vancouver this week - when i travel over for the Luminous Path which is beginning a new round... ![]() And so what came into being was, both circles were not meant to happen... i won't go into the reasons why, other than to say, that each one had it's own releasings for not happening... I have to admit i was surprised that both ended up being cancelled... even after some of my own questionings, resistence and attempts to TRY and make them happen, i came to the realization that it was indeed all okay to let both circles go this time... perhaps good ol' Mercury Retrograde had a hand - who knows? I also had to get over worrying about disappointing those who had planned to come... When i was preparing for these next circles - Grandmother Wolf offered her guidance....She who teaches us about moving from the West to the North... the Teacher with sharp instinct and intelligence... sacred wisdom, the Sage and Elder... reminding us of our dear Ancestors who paved the way for us... gifting us with stamina... resilience... always reminding us of our own knowingness... It was the Cedar trees who spoke to me, asking if we could connect together - especially those here on Gabriola, who have been dying since our summer's long dry drought... Some folk we have met, who have lived on Gabriola a long time, mentioned that, over the years, the water table on the island has been shifting in response to climate change... confirming the beautiful cedars are feeling it the most... in the last number of weeks, we have been saddened to witness that a lot of the cedar trees are dying rapidly all over the island... The fire department was also announcing that they're concerned they are now becoming a fire hazard. We give thanks for the recent rains that have come... helping to nourish our dry island home, the blessed trees and all her kin... The English word, 'Cedar' comes from the Hebrew 'Qatar', meaning to smudge... indicating cedar wood was used in purification rituals and cleansing... The smoke of the cedar leaves are very cleansing and clearing of the energy/luminous body and spaces... First Nation peoples have and continue to use the sacred cedar to purify and cleanse in all aspects of life using all parts of the tree for housing, art, clothing, cleansing and ceremony ... The sacred Cedar was also known in many world cultures as the Tree of Life... the 'God/ess' tree... With blessed cedar, draw Earth energy and ground yourself, place the palms of your hands against the ends of the leaves... So, if our New Moon journeying circle did happen, i was going to invite us to journey with Grandmother Wolf to the sacred Cedars, to simply connect with them and check-in... and so, because we're not meeting physically.... i invite you here and now to journey...Open sacred space around you... state your intention, turn on the journey drumming below... get comfortable., relax... close your eyes... connect to your dear heart... + ask Grandmother Wolf to guide you on your journey............... ![]() Suggested Journey... or, create your own... This is the time of Passing Within... the cycle of Lammas and the element of water... This is the path of the mature adult who seeks to live responsibly and to bring healing... to find enlightenment to become more deeply human... I invite you to explore this pathway when you wish to understand how best to act when the 'stuff' of life becomes overwhelming... when you seek peace in all ways...... I invite you to face the sacred directon of the West and... with all your senses embrace the colours, the sounds, smells and taste of Fall... connect with the Sacred Waters of Mother Ocean... her life-blood streams... her rivers and lakes... re-membering that 'water-knows-all-water indeed informs all water... Find a beautiful place in nature you love or imagine where the grand Cedars reside near where you live... with Grandmother Wolf as your guide... She invites you to listen to the birds singing high in the Cedars... With Grandmother beside you, ask her to take you on a journey to the place of the singing Cedars... say hello when you greet them... create a sacred space in a circle including the Standing Ones and yourself... Offer the Tall Ones an offering of gratitude for who they are and the gifts they freely give us.... for we wouldn't be here without the trees... as we breathe them and they breathe us... thank them for sheltering us... for warming us... for cleansing us... and feeding us in many ways...... Sit down with your back to one Old Tall One and connect deeper... again, use all your senses when you merge with her or him... feel the rough bark on your skin.. smell the musty damp moss in your nose... look up and embrace how s/he embraces you.... and listen deeply for a message s/he may share with you....................... take some time with this............................ ![]() When you feel you have received your message or sense of one... hold the essence of that message-gift sweetly cupped in both hands in front of your heart center... gently blow with the spirit of your breath into your hands three times.... feel it... know it... receive it.... and then mindfully place that essence into your heart... giving thanks.... Now, offer your gratitude and healing for those Cedars who are passing within.... You're invited to hold a vision of their healed state as if it has already happened within this present moment... while holding this vision-dreaming, use all your senses of what that would feel and look like - drive it with your strong emotion resonance and vibration... know this is happening right now... dream it into being....... hold it strong for as long as you are guided.... When your journey feels complete... return back to where you began.... again, give gratitude for this blessed opportunity... close your sacred space and come back into the room or where you are... close your own physical sacred circle-space and make note of any teachings or guidance you received during your journey... also know that deeper awareness may still come later... If you feel called, offer ceremony with a gift or despacho to the Sacred Cedars near you and/or hold them within your own mesa or bundle... I welcome you to share any insights you may have received in the comment below... so we can share with each other as we do when we gather to journey... to share our wisdom and the knowings from Grandmother Wolf and the Sacred Cedars... I thank you for connecting in and caring ... for they thank you too... Wishing you many bright blessings... with much love + light.. weaver x (((o))) below... the blessed sacred Cedars of Gabriola....... photos by weaver x Above post, shamanic journey meditation + photos by weaver © 2016 - all rights reserved...
- the 20-minute journey drumming track, 'riding the wave' with rattle can be purchased + downloaded at cdbaby.com - from the album, 'journey with laughing wolf' - thank you for supporting my work... with appreciation, weaver x (((o))) ![]() Recently, i received an unexpected teaching from the bees... Since moving to Gabriola in April, we have never felt more welcome - what a community of beautiful people who care about people! We feel so blessed knowing our move was a good one... We've also been blown away with how much art, music and theatre there is here on the island - it's been absolutely wonderful. I am being more and more inspired to get back to my own art and music and can't wait! We've been attending events by the Gabriola Arts Council (we're now proud members) and other community events. We now frequent the Hive Emporium at the Village Market on Saturday mornings for coffee to meet and hang with friends. In addition to great coffee, the Hive is a community hub with a retail store show-casing local art and a multi-purpose performance space and art gallery upstairs. In mid May, i saw that the Hive sent out a "call to artists" to celebrate their first anniversary with an upcoming show to run June 16 to July 3, 2016, named 'For the Bees'... it read... "The plight of bees is deservedly making the press, and hopefully not too late! Gabriolans need no coaching on their importance, but a reminder to all to meditate on these venerable sentient "beeings" - and this call to all artists to explore in any medium!" I was intrigued... and wanted to be a part... so, i got to work. What i was immediately fascinated by, was the shape of the hexagon - which holds a lot of meaning in it's six sides including the number 6. I connect to the number six as it's a part of my life-path being a 33-6 numerologically... ![]() I spent about a week playing with this shape in many ways... i first built a hexagon out of wood. Right away, i really liked the simplicity of the shape - i liked holding it up to the light and looking through. My first thoughts were, 'hey, i could submit this as it is!" ... though, it all seemed too simple - i really should do something more...? After many failed attempts of 'trying' to add to my initial wood design... i thought i'd let the whole thing go and forget about it... Though, i found that i kept coming back to the wooden hexagon shape - there was something about it's simplicity. I was continually drawn to carrying it around and looking through the open hex shape like a window... And, then it hit me... what i was doing was perhaps... 'seeing' from the 'bee's perspective'... and that was it. Excitedly, i took the wooden hexagon outside to my backyard, hung it off a couple of trees and took a few photos - and my submission came into 'bee-ing'... After the 'full circle' journey of my creative process, i now know the bees were guiding and nudging me on some level... that they wanted their 'voice' heard in some way - asking 'us' to have a look and see from their perspective, for a change... So, in the end, i did decide to go with my 'first hit' and submit the simple wood hexagon along with two photos - i was thrilled and honoured to be accepted into and 'bee' a part of the Hive's show! I give thanks to the sacred bees for helping and guiding me... and, thank you to the Hive for creating this beautiful show - Happy Anniversary to you all! my submission, 'bee perspective'...![]() Along with the two framed photos and the hanging wood hexagram, i added this statement and a couple questions... Have we considered the bee’s perspective? Perhaps the bees are feeling that we humans are mining them for our own advantage – NOT for the bee’s advantage... “The human species have weakened our species in our compliance to what THEY want...” Perhaps, our perspective of a “Colony Collapse Disorder” of the bees is simply a projection (perspective) of our own human Colony Collapse Disorder... What is your bee perspective? video... a bee's perspective...The sacred bees taught me a lot about trusting my own intuition and the gift of coming back 'full circle'... I'd really love to know your 'bee perspective' ...
i welcome you to share in the comment section below... "The Spirit of Bear: Go Within... Personal Strength Comes from Inner Knowing..." - The Medicine Cards ![]() If you read my last e-News last month, you'll know that we received unexpected notice to move in January - to be out of our home by April 1st... And, needless to say, we didn't have much luck here in the Burnaby/Vancouver area finding anything... As you probably know, the housing market in the lower mainland has really gone crazy with prices skyrocketing all over the place... Also, property taxes were raised as well - here in Burnaby, a whopping 17%. This has also affected renting in the lower mainland in a huge way... and, during our search we weren't seeing much option that was affordable nor much availability. This really surprised and shocked us... We were becoming concerned when still hadn't found a new home into late February... We had put out our intentions, offered ceremony and did our best to remain positive that something was indeed awaiting us... though, time was ticking by... One very early morning, under a few weeks ago, i was awakened by a very strong dream... When i have a strong dream like that, i know that spirit is wanting my attention... In the dream, i am on the deck of an old rickety house in the woods... i wasn't alone as there were a bunch of people gathered about... someone warned me that i needed to be very careful to not let 'that' bear in past the gate... i was aware that a black bear was wandering about outside the gate... I fumbled with the gate's door handle over and over without being able to keep it closed or locked... I kept feeling a sense of urgency and frustration... this went on what seemed like, forever... The scene shifts where i realized the bear was now coming in through the gate and onto the deck with me... I found myself now huddled down in a far corner to protect myself from bear... i was definitely concerned and upset that i had failed with the gate... Next, big mama bear was right over me, right up close, leaning on me and sniffing me all over my head, neck and shoulders... it was sooo real... i could really feel her... smell her and sensed her long rough fur on my skin... the weight of her head pressing her wet nose... hearing her snort and sniff.... As she continued to sniff me out, i felt some fear rise from within me... mama bear growled deeply when she sensed my fear... i realized that i had to stop my fear now and did... she wouldn't stop sniffing and sniffing... at first she was a black bear and then morphed to the colour cream and then back to black... she then stopped her intense sniffing and simply laid her head in my lap resting... Next scene... i'm still crouched down and now two smaller animals like badgers (i think) are now on either side of me and rise up on their hind legs to sniff out my ears as intensely as the bear did! After that, three black dogs came up onto the deck... and, then i woke right up! = holy whoa... I shared my dream at our journeying circle that next week and my friend Glen offered some insight... of which i found very helpful... here's some symbolism he shared...
Despite my best efforts to keep the bear out, the bear gets past the gate and past the limitations that have been placed in its path. The good news is that the medicine is morphing - changing from a black bear to a Kermode or spirit bear (colour change from black to cream colour)... Still a black bear but looks very different. The bear lays its head on my lap. No fear - only love, peace and tranquility even though bears are huge and powerful. ![]() My friend suggested i connect with the spirit of Bear to help me... of which i did... i connected with a lovely photo of a black bear (right)... and went within to say 'hello'... It's interesting, back in September, a black bear paid me a visit when i was parking my car... i had just got home and was just getting some groceries out of the car when s/he came trotting right out of the forest towards me.... we shared quite 'the hello'... It was a brief encounter though a very exciting one... I was sooo taken with her size, beauty and grace and how fast she moved! I didn't think much of that encounter at the time... though knew inside my heart that i had received a sweet blessing... After the dream, we were then guided to look further for housing out of Vancouver and over to the Island in and around Nanaimo... We noticed that prices weren't so high and more affordable... perhaps there was some hope here?... The thought of moving away from Vancouver/Burnaby was a concern... as i have lived here most of my life... my family was here and my work was here... We still weren't finding much there either when, we began to see some rentals on Gabriola Island... we had seen a couple that looked good though, we assumed were gone - as they had been posted back in January. Something nudged us to contact one of the ads we kept seeing - just to see if maybe, it was still available and, low and behold, it was! We made contact and arrangements to go over to 'Gabe' to have a look and meet the owner. On the way over, on the ferry we decided to contact another more recent ad and the owner answered and she interviewed us over the phone... The owner then decided to fly out from Alberta to meet us later that next day. So, in the end, the second house turned out to be 'the one' - as soon as we walked in the door, we both felt strongly we were 'home'... we made the decision to say yes and make this big move to 'Gabe'... We weren't expecting this at all... though i know deeply that spirit has directed this big move in so many ways...and time will reveal more i'm sure... I believe that mama bear has marked this new 'pacha' for us when she showed up out of the blue last September when she walked out of the forest and completely sniffed me out in my recent dream... She helped us 'sniff' out a new home... to embrace a whole new pacha-shift in our lives.... we've been invited to go even deeper within our own spirit... an opportunity to grow a strength connected much closer to mother earth... I now stand in complete wonder... amazement... and, some fear beginning again so anew... and some sadness all at the same time... = holy wow... Even though we are leaving the 'big city'...the Vancouver area to live on Gabriola Island, please know i am not far away - that i will still be back working in Vancouver on a regular basis (and other areas i have been been)... please see my calendar of what's coming up in April and throughout the year... I am open to all that is new in this shifting change... thanks for taking the time to have a boo... with brightest blessing of much love + light... weaver x (((o))) |
i wish to acknowledge with gratitude that i live, work + play on the traditional and unceded territory of the Snuneymuxw First Nation...
my blog writings...i'm a creative soul choosing to walk softly on our blessed earth mother's back... more here... Click image above to go to Amazon >>
![]() Spirit Art Frame Drum Available by weaver…
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