"The Spirit of Bear: Go Within... Personal Strength Comes from Inner Knowing..." - The Medicine Cards ![]() If you read my last e-News last month, you'll know that we received unexpected notice to move in January - to be out of our home by April 1st... And, needless to say, we didn't have much luck here in the Burnaby/Vancouver area finding anything... As you probably know, the housing market in the lower mainland has really gone crazy with prices skyrocketing all over the place... Also, property taxes were raised as well - here in Burnaby, a whopping 17%. This has also affected renting in the lower mainland in a huge way... and, during our search we weren't seeing much option that was affordable nor much availability. This really surprised and shocked us... We were becoming concerned when still hadn't found a new home into late February... We had put out our intentions, offered ceremony and did our best to remain positive that something was indeed awaiting us... though, time was ticking by... One very early morning, under a few weeks ago, i was awakened by a very strong dream... When i have a strong dream like that, i know that spirit is wanting my attention... In the dream, i am on the deck of an old rickety house in the woods... i wasn't alone as there were a bunch of people gathered about... someone warned me that i needed to be very careful to not let 'that' bear in past the gate... i was aware that a black bear was wandering about outside the gate... I fumbled with the gate's door handle over and over without being able to keep it closed or locked... I kept feeling a sense of urgency and frustration... this went on what seemed like, forever... The scene shifts where i realized the bear was now coming in through the gate and onto the deck with me... I found myself now huddled down in a far corner to protect myself from bear... i was definitely concerned and upset that i had failed with the gate... Next, big mama bear was right over me, right up close, leaning on me and sniffing me all over my head, neck and shoulders... it was sooo real... i could really feel her... smell her and sensed her long rough fur on my skin... the weight of her head pressing her wet nose... hearing her snort and sniff.... As she continued to sniff me out, i felt some fear rise from within me... mama bear growled deeply when she sensed my fear... i realized that i had to stop my fear now and did... she wouldn't stop sniffing and sniffing... at first she was a black bear and then morphed to the colour cream and then back to black... she then stopped her intense sniffing and simply laid her head in my lap resting... Next scene... i'm still crouched down and now two smaller animals like badgers (i think) are now on either side of me and rise up on their hind legs to sniff out my ears as intensely as the bear did! After that, three black dogs came up onto the deck... and, then i woke right up! = holy whoa... I shared my dream at our journeying circle that next week and my friend Glen offered some insight... of which i found very helpful... here's some symbolism he shared...
Despite my best efforts to keep the bear out, the bear gets past the gate and past the limitations that have been placed in its path. The good news is that the medicine is morphing - changing from a black bear to a Kermode or spirit bear (colour change from black to cream colour)... Still a black bear but looks very different. The bear lays its head on my lap. No fear - only love, peace and tranquility even though bears are huge and powerful. ![]() My friend suggested i connect with the spirit of Bear to help me... of which i did... i connected with a lovely photo of a black bear (right)... and went within to say 'hello'... It's interesting, back in September, a black bear paid me a visit when i was parking my car... i had just got home and was just getting some groceries out of the car when s/he came trotting right out of the forest towards me.... we shared quite 'the hello'... It was a brief encounter though a very exciting one... I was sooo taken with her size, beauty and grace and how fast she moved! I didn't think much of that encounter at the time... though knew inside my heart that i had received a sweet blessing... After the dream, we were then guided to look further for housing out of Vancouver and over to the Island in and around Nanaimo... We noticed that prices weren't so high and more affordable... perhaps there was some hope here?... The thought of moving away from Vancouver/Burnaby was a concern... as i have lived here most of my life... my family was here and my work was here... We still weren't finding much there either when, we began to see some rentals on Gabriola Island... we had seen a couple that looked good though, we assumed were gone - as they had been posted back in January. Something nudged us to contact one of the ads we kept seeing - just to see if maybe, it was still available and, low and behold, it was! We made contact and arrangements to go over to 'Gabe' to have a look and meet the owner. On the way over, on the ferry we decided to contact another more recent ad and the owner answered and she interviewed us over the phone... The owner then decided to fly out from Alberta to meet us later that next day. So, in the end, the second house turned out to be 'the one' - as soon as we walked in the door, we both felt strongly we were 'home'... we made the decision to say yes and make this big move to 'Gabe'... We weren't expecting this at all... though i know deeply that spirit has directed this big move in so many ways...and time will reveal more i'm sure... I believe that mama bear has marked this new 'pacha' for us when she showed up out of the blue last September when she walked out of the forest and completely sniffed me out in my recent dream... She helped us 'sniff' out a new home... to embrace a whole new pacha-shift in our lives.... we've been invited to go even deeper within our own spirit... an opportunity to grow a strength connected much closer to mother earth... I now stand in complete wonder... amazement... and, some fear beginning again so anew... and some sadness all at the same time... = holy wow... Even though we are leaving the 'big city'...the Vancouver area to live on Gabriola Island, please know i am not far away - that i will still be back working in Vancouver on a regular basis (and other areas i have been been)... please see my calendar of what's coming up in April and throughout the year... I am open to all that is new in this shifting change... thanks for taking the time to have a boo... with brightest blessing of much love + light... weaver x (((o)))
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