![]() Recently, i received an unexpected teaching from the bees... Since moving to Gabriola in April, we have never felt more welcome - what a community of beautiful people who care about people! We feel so blessed knowing our move was a good one... We've also been blown away with how much art, music and theatre there is here on the island - it's been absolutely wonderful. I am being more and more inspired to get back to my own art and music and can't wait! We've been attending events by the Gabriola Arts Council (we're now proud members) and other community events. We now frequent the Hive Emporium at the Village Market on Saturday mornings for coffee to meet and hang with friends. In addition to great coffee, the Hive is a community hub with a retail store show-casing local art and a multi-purpose performance space and art gallery upstairs. In mid May, i saw that the Hive sent out a "call to artists" to celebrate their first anniversary with an upcoming show to run June 16 to July 3, 2016, named 'For the Bees'... it read... "The plight of bees is deservedly making the press, and hopefully not too late! Gabriolans need no coaching on their importance, but a reminder to all to meditate on these venerable sentient "beeings" - and this call to all artists to explore in any medium!" I was intrigued... and wanted to be a part... so, i got to work. What i was immediately fascinated by, was the shape of the hexagon - which holds a lot of meaning in it's six sides including the number 6. I connect to the number six as it's a part of my life-path being a 33-6 numerologically... ![]() I spent about a week playing with this shape in many ways... i first built a hexagon out of wood. Right away, i really liked the simplicity of the shape - i liked holding it up to the light and looking through. My first thoughts were, 'hey, i could submit this as it is!" ... though, it all seemed too simple - i really should do something more...? After many failed attempts of 'trying' to add to my initial wood design... i thought i'd let the whole thing go and forget about it... Though, i found that i kept coming back to the wooden hexagon shape - there was something about it's simplicity. I was continually drawn to carrying it around and looking through the open hex shape like a window... And, then it hit me... what i was doing was perhaps... 'seeing' from the 'bee's perspective'... and that was it. Excitedly, i took the wooden hexagon outside to my backyard, hung it off a couple of trees and took a few photos - and my submission came into 'bee-ing'... After the 'full circle' journey of my creative process, i now know the bees were guiding and nudging me on some level... that they wanted their 'voice' heard in some way - asking 'us' to have a look and see from their perspective, for a change... So, in the end, i did decide to go with my 'first hit' and submit the simple wood hexagon along with two photos - i was thrilled and honoured to be accepted into and 'bee' a part of the Hive's show! I give thanks to the sacred bees for helping and guiding me... and, thank you to the Hive for creating this beautiful show - Happy Anniversary to you all! my submission, 'bee perspective'...![]() Along with the two framed photos and the hanging wood hexagram, i added this statement and a couple questions... Have we considered the bee’s perspective? Perhaps the bees are feeling that we humans are mining them for our own advantage – NOT for the bee’s advantage... “The human species have weakened our species in our compliance to what THEY want...” Perhaps, our perspective of a “Colony Collapse Disorder” of the bees is simply a projection (perspective) of our own human Colony Collapse Disorder... What is your bee perspective? video... a bee's perspective...The sacred bees taught me a lot about trusting my own intuition and the gift of coming back 'full circle'... I'd really love to know your 'bee perspective' ...
i welcome you to share in the comment section below...
i wish to acknowledge with gratitude that i live, work + play on the traditional and unceded territory of the Snuneymuxw First Nation...
my blog writings...i'm a creative soul choosing to walk softly on our blessed earth mother's back... more here... Click image above to go to Amazon >>
![]() Spirit Art Frame Drum Available by weaver…
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