![]() Talk about timing... it happened right out of the blue, just a couple days before our winter solstice sacred drum circle + ceremony this last December... laughing wolf, the 27-inch sacred 'big' wind drum that i humbly caretake and carry suddenly fell down - and she fell down hard... At first i thought she was okay however, with a closer look, her beautiful goat hide had been torn from the impact of the fall in the lower southeast... OMG, yikes!...my heart sank. I closed my eyes and was immediately catapulted to the center of my heart... all i could do was take one grrreat big deep breath and prayed.... Initially i wanted to cry right out loud... I believe a year or more earlier i certainly would have... In that moment of stark-reality as i hugged onto to my dear wounded drum... what i felt was a strange deep calm of sorts... Breathing certainly helped in a huge way... I also knew that this happening that happened to my sacred drum - an instrument sooo dear and close to me was probably some kind of 'shift'... perhaps a new pacha (time) has come right 'now'... Oh, how the sacred drum can place us in the present 'now' moment - even when i wasn't even playing her! This happened to one of my other drums about 11 years ago that also marked a new pacha shift for me... So, what is this present 'wounding' informing? What is the 'healed state' my dear drum showing me now?... I re-membered the beautiful quote by Rumi... "The wound is the place where the light enters you." Well... the light was definitely shining through me and that torn and ripped hide! And she had lost her voice - sounding like a buzzing, flapping piece of paper... oh my and wow............. A few days later, a friend pointed out that the tear held an interesting shape... she shared with me that she saw a snake's head with a forked tongue (see photo above)... How fitting to see sachamama/amaru the serpent of light now sitting so prevalent in the southeast of my drum facing east... This archetype traditionally sits in the medicine wheel in the south-place of the "physical"... Also, in the east, the 'eagle-place', the place of our "becoming"... new beginnings and vision... I know from this past year i have been dealing with some health issues a number of times - i am very aware i must attend to another layer of physical healing to embrace the "light" of who i truly am - without fear... my dear sacred drum has yet again revealed a 'healed state' for me on so many levels... and, i give thanks for this... I managed to repair the tear in time for the ceremony and it seems to have healed her for the time being - if i can call it that... I was thrilled she sounded again - tho, not quite the same as before... there is a new sound now within her sound it seems... perhaps there is a whole new "light-frequency" that has been birthed on some level...? Our winter solstice ceremony was beautiful as we welcomed the new light coming... I can still see the light shine through her new "open" amaru-serpent shape on her hide when i play her - reminding of the deep healing i have been given layer by layer as i continue my journey of the 'wounded healer'... As i still 'grieve' what happened and move through this recent 'wounding'... i remain "open" to what is next... One thing i know and have learned yet again is that "things never stay the same" that's for sure! I welcome this new year and new pacha time with excitement of what's next... Bright blessings to you all dear friends... with love and light, weaver x (((o)))
i wish to acknowledge with gratitude that i live, work + play on the traditional and unceded territory of the Snuneymuxw First Nation...
my blog writings...i'm a creative soul choosing to walk softly on our blessed earth mother's back... more here... Click image above to go to Amazon >>
![]() Spirit Art Frame Drum Available by weaver…
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August 2023
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