![]() Happy Bealtaine everyone! On this day of Bealtaine eve... i've had much to ponder and give big thanks for... tho first, i wish to bid farewell to this past cycle of Imbolc... at the back door of our home... Farewell to the Season of Imbolc... Go with thanks and go with blessing... Season of integrity... Souls with truth are deeply freighted Hearts are keen with innocence... In the cold and darkness traveling... You have come to brightest Spring. Infant, who has grown to childhood... Midwife, wise with mothering... Touch the hidden beauty in us... Help us soar on Summer's wing! --Caitlin Matthews ![]() It's been quite the last few months during Imbolc... lots happening... of amazing alignment + synchronicity all over the place... with much presence of sweet spirit... My dear friend Allannah and i offered two Spring concerts together - one during the day of Imbolc and later at Spring Equinox... we were blessed with both shows full with beautiful souls sharing much love + beautiful spirit with our sacred music and song... I sooo love it when a full room of like-minds sing together with such warm heart... At the Netloft at Imbolc, during our last song, a whole flock of white gulls that were floating on the bay behind us, took flight and flew in circles 'as one' to the pulse of our music... where, they softly landed together ending our song - wow, what a blessing! ![]() Last month, i also found myself totally unexpectedly finding myself in Vernon (of all places!) in sacred circle with the wonderful Irish Seabhean, wise-woman Amantha Murphy who came all the way from Ireland to offer her work there... Talk about divine timing! Who would have thought?... How all that came into being was frankly, one magical alignment and i know now, was meant to be, that's for sure... For the past year or more, i'll admit, i've been in a place of much uncertainty and feeling lost in some respects... I'm not sure those are the exact words to describe... tho, i've also been yearning + calling for clarity and perhaps a new guidance to work with... and... Holy wow... i'm once again astounded as to how spirit aligns so powerfully when one simply asks... and it's up to me to get out of the frickin' way to allow whatever is meant to be... when it's meant to be... I feel i've come to a place in my life where, i allow myself to simply be and trust as best i can... to cease focusing on the what 'isn't'. I have to say it's a heck of a lot more fun to intend along with the blessings + gifts that continue to come my way and holy wow yet again...... + i really know nothing anymore! During the weekend intensive sitting in sacred circle with 23 amazing women with Amantha lovingly guiding... i experienced deep healing... yet again, another layer of the onion of my life was profoundly peeled off - i was roto-rooted to say the least!... i felt such love + support from my beautiful sisters as they held space deeply for me... we all did for one another throughout the gathering... it was a potent weekend of learning... coming full circle to my beginning Celtic training (over 30 years ago) and my own ancestral roots... including, retrieving a rogue chunk of my soul... a whole new trust with myself + others... that it is even possible to trust + love again... to love myself and my life... to let go another shady layer of the old ways that no longer serve - to re-member that a lot of that old stuff wasn't even mine in the first pace... i hold much gratitude to spirit... to my dear beloved partner - my anam cara, my wonderful friends i hold dear, to my dear sisters near + afar + to dear Amantha for holding such loving sacred space... to our blessed earth mother goddess Gaia for all gifts received.... to all that dark heaviness i have let go i know has been lovingly composted by Her... having been transformed to light!... This afternoon on the eve of Bealtaine... my sweetie and i decided to go out for a walk in the beautiful day of today and just 'be' at our local beach... we sat for a long while with the old stone, breathed deeply in the Salish Sea's refreshing + healing breezes under the crystal dome of the great big blue amazing sky... We felt good! All is well... ![]() So, i am very excited to be celebrating Bealtaine tomorrow morning... to offer fresh flowers on my front doorstep... to wash my face with the new morning's dew... to welcome a new beginning cycle of protective fire of my passion... to embrace + honour the light of who i truly am... with brightest blessings of much light - thank you! Happy Bealtaine to all... with much love... blessed be! weaver x (((o))) below... today, we spent some time just being... with our mother, old stone, the salish sea + great big blue sky...Threshold Invocation for the Festival of Bealtaine...
(to be said at the front door on the eve of Bealtaine, April 30th) Maiden of Flowers, open the door... Smith of souls, come you in... Let there be welcome to the growing strength... Let there be welcome to the Summer of the Year. In bud and blossom you are traveling... In fruit and fragrance you will arrive. May the blessed time of Bealtaine Inflame the soul of all beings... Bringing energy and effort to conflagration. From the depths to the heights... In the core of every soul! --Caitlin Matthews
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