The Roxy Update November 8, 2020 - Direct from Stevie B in his own words...
• Please 'Like' The Roxy Facebook page >> • The Gabriola Chamber of Commerce Events Calendar >> Friends of The Roxy - upcoming events...![]()
YOWZA: The ROXY at TWIN BEACHES will be closing it's doors Thursday, December 31, 2020. The Lease will NOT be renewed! YOWZA: THE COST OF RENT built the coffin/THE COVID limitations supplied the nails! YOWZA: GABRIOLA still has 8 more weeks to use THE ROXY! Book soon, before it's gone. The Roxy this Week... • Monday, November 9th, 7pm: The Roxy movie is "Bread and Chocolate" (Italian)... An incredibility funny and poignant comedy from the 1980's. Nino Manfredi (think Peter Sellers or Roberto Benini) is brilliant in this laugh your face off masterpiece - subtitles - $5 ($0 for members)... Doors at 6:45 pm • Wednesday, November 11th, 7pm: donsflicks presents " Alamar " from blissed out Mexican tropicana to Rome, a 5year olds story from dad to mom... see for more info on, the movie and reservations - COVID rules apply, by donation... Doors at 6:45 pm • Thursday, November 12th, 7pm: donsflicks presents "The Sapphires" (Australia 2013) watch how an Irish blues lover transforms a bunch of Australian outback aboriginal country and western sisters into a sizzling soul show-band! see for more info and reservations - COVID rules apply, by donation... Doors at 6:45 pm • Saturday, November 14th... Two separate concerts 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm: A Celebration of The Songs of Hank Williams featuring Sandy Bone and Nathan Tinkham. Covid Rules apply (wear masks) music and safety can co-exist! Tix $20 - must be reserved - email [email protected] while tix last (only 20 seats/show !) Roxy Futures: • Monday, November 16th: The Roxy movie is "The Seven Year Itch" with Marilyn Monroe • Saturday, November 21st: Mr Sandy "Bone" Smith in concert with all original songs... 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm ... Tix $20... reserve at [email protected] ...COVID RULES APPLY • Saturday, November 5th: Kelly Haigh and Nathan Tinkham in Concert two separate shows, 3:00 pm and 7:30 pm Reserve $20 Tix with [email protected] ... wear Covid masks ! PS YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Can I please borrow your copy of “THE COMMITMENTS" DVD from whomever I borrowed it from last time - soon would be good! Thanks, Stevie B.... Roxy 2020 Membership Info: We need a total of 300 committed members to keep The Roxy for another year. We are still short, so please, any help will keep us going... No money is needed right away - but your commitment please... The Roxy 2020 membership is still the same $120 (only $10 month!!!) How to Deliver on your Roxy 2020 Membership - Payment Options: Let's help keep our great live venue, The Roxy Alive! $120 by electronic money transfer to: [email protected] Or... by cash or cheque (payable to S. Berthelot) handed off to Stevie B any noon hour (not Tuesday) this week at Mad Rona's Cafe in the Madrona Mall... PS: Many other private events (parties, meetings, etc) are happening at the Roxy all the time Roxy rental is: $35 /hr ($25/hr for members) - for more info ask Stevie B at: [email protected] Please keep those memberships in mind - also, there's a GoFundMe The Roxy Gabriola if you want to add a little and Stevie B. is at Mad Rona's Cafe most days (not Tuesdays) from noon to 1pm. ---------------------- Roxy 2020 membership, payment methods: Let's help keep our great live venue, The Roxy Alive! $120 by electronic money transfer to: [email protected] Or... by cash or cheque (payable to S. Berthelot) handed off to Stevie B any noon hour (not Tuesday) this week at Mad Rona's Cafe in the Madrona Mall... Thank You! May the gods be with you... See you next week, Stevie B. The Roxy Email >> ------------------------------------------------------------------ • The Gabriola Chamber of Commerce Events Calendar >> ------------------------------------------------------------------ Roxy 2020 Membership Collection: $120 is due for the Calendar year! If you have already paid, thank you very much and ignore this: You can pay $120 by Interac -electronic mail transfer to [email protected] ... OR... By cash or cheque(s) payable to S. Berthelot... In person to Stevie B at Mad Rona's Café most days (not Tuesdays) from noon to 1:00pm) OR... Mail to: The Roxy - Membership PO Box #219 Gabriola Island, BC V0R 1X0 OR... Personally to Stevie B wherever you run into him, hither and yon... PS the collection hounds shall not be unleashed until early February ------------------------------------------------------------------ More Roxy 2018 Membership Drive Important Info if you need it: Stevie B will be in his office at Mad Rona's Café virtually all days - it is open (except Tuesdays) for the next 3 weeks if you would like to say hello and pay your membership in person . Ways to pay your membership:
And now for the part of the show you've all been waiting for... Gabriolan's seem to know this more than most... "It's never to late to be what you might have been." --George Eliot Every day Stevie B proclaims this one to the universe... "Do I contradict myself? Very well then, I contradict myself. I am large. I contain multitudes!" --Walt Whitman ![]()
Thank you , thank you , thank you to all the members who help support keeping The Roxy Gabriola going - so we can continue to offer live musics + related events on our beautiful island!
2020 Roxy Memberships always available! - Please support one of Gabriola's best live venues... if we all give a little bit, we can continue to make this great venue to operate... Please help us out and, tell a friend and spread the word! $120 for The Calender Year... The Roxy is a community-funded venue and as such, needs you to help us carry on.... Watch out for Stevie B at Mad Rona's, on his bicycle, hither and yon all over Gabriola or go to [email protected] and ask Stevie B. how to join the movement.... you know you wanna. :o)
• The Roxy, Gabriola official website >>
• Please 'Like' The Roxy Facebook page >> • Please help support live music... How to join The Roxy >> • Address to The Roxy, Gabriola... @ Twin Beaches Mall, 377 Berry Point Road, Gabriola Island, BC • Mailing address for The Roxy... Friends Of Roxy, PO Box 219, Gabriola BC V0R 1XO • Other Gabriola Island Links + Resources >>
How to find the Roxy on Gabriola...
Stevie B + The Roxy - on Gabriola Island, BC...
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